The Choices Framework

Expert Navigation for Enterprise Data Transformation Journeys

Introducing The Choices Framework

The Choices Framework is a way of working that ensures time is spent upfront to really understand your requirements. After all, we don’t know our stuff until we know your stuff too.

Most consultancies promote standardised frameworks that go big on 'discovery' and result in cookie-cutter solutions. The Choices Framework ensures your team are part of the discussion and gives you a choice of solutions, always considering your budget and speed of implementation.

When you talk, we listen. We’ll always try to ask good questions rather than give easy answers. And we’ll always give you a choice of tailored solutions that are right for you rather than fancy solutions to problems that don’t exist.

That’s the Choices Framework. 

The Choices Framework: Distillation

Distillation Phase: Laying a Strategic Foundation

Step 1 - Qualify. Led by our team of experts, this initial step ensures all foundational elements are meticulously evaluated - aligning skills, resources, and strategic objectives to set the stage for a seamless transformation.
Step 2 - Listen. Our seasoned consultants engage deeply with your team to unearth the core challenges and opportunities, utilising a rigorous analytical process to lay the groundwork for innovative solutions.
Stage 3 - Replay. We validate our findings with your stakeholders, ensuring that the strategy and priorities we're developing are a true reflection of your needs and, when executed, will deliver you tangible ROI.


This pivotal stage in our framework is where our expertise truly shines. We present multiple strategic options, each crafted to integrate seamlessly with your business model while addressing specific challenges and objectives. Our recommendations are based on a comprehensive analysis and are designed to leverage your existing technologies and investments, offering a clear, expert-led path forward.

The Choices Framework: Maturation

Maturation Phase: Expert Implementation for Lasting Impact

Step 5 - Plan. Transitioning from strategy to action, our experts develop a detailed execution plan, ensuring every aspect of the solution is tailored to your operational context and designed for impact.
Step 6 - Build. Under the guidance of our specialist teams, we implement the chosen     solution through agile sprints, integrating cutting-edge practices in data engineering, data science and AI to deliver transformative results swiftly.
Stage 7 - Evolve. Our commitment to your transformation extends beyond initial     implementation. We continuously refine and enhance the solution, leveraging ongoing feedback and performance metrics to ensure sustained success and adaptation to market changes.

Ready to get started?

If you're looking to:

  • Develop or implement a data strategy for your business
  • Consolidate your data from siloed data sources
  • Migrate your on-premises database to the cloud
  • Improve your marketing with a single view of your customers
  • Implement a new marketing technology into your stack
  • Get more value from Microsoft Azure

Then we can probably help, and we'd love to hear from you.

Send us an email